Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Just resting up tonight...

Before the Cookie has her Strabismus Correction  surgery tomorrow morning. (On just her left eye). I'm a little nervous about it I admit, but not as much as I was before they sedated her for an MRI several months ago.  She made it through that just fine, so I don't have the newcomers paranoia she's going to react to to the anaestesia badly I might have otherwise been plagued with... Recovery will take a few days of course but the Opthomologist seems pretty optimistic about how it'll go.

Christmas is getting closer and closer.  It's fun to see the munchkin really NOTICE all the trappings of it this year.  She loves all the lights and Christmas carols her parents keep singing.  The biggest challenge I think will to be to keep her and the cats off the christmas tree.  Well that and not drink too much eggnog!

We are trying to be fiscally responsible this season, which means I'm trying to be creative but not cheesy with Christmas presents. I'm making a bunch of ornaments in the evening when K (Cookie) is asleep to give to D's more extended paternal family.  I hope they like the result...it's a new kind of challenge for me.

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